It's a shame your messages don't go out to ALL the people. Some are still to blind to see and will not let their hearts and minds be opened. God Bless You and Happy Independence Day!

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Thanks, Colleen! I agree.

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Independence Day

“For freedom Christ freed us. Stand fast therefore and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

— Galatians 5:1 🇺🇸 🙏

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Perfect for this moment. Thankyou.

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Jul 4Liked by Kevin Dzuban

Being an Australian, with Christianity very firmly in our history, I agree with your sentiments and would love to have a clearer foundation in our legislature, as does the US.

While the US has certainly gone the way of Balam and Sodom, it is important to realize from where it has fallen.

Christ said to the Church at Ephesus :

Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. (Rev 2:5)

Now I am not saying that the US is a church, or is even a nation that "God has shed his grace upon", but just that it is a wise thing to remind people from whence they have historically come from, and to see what a total mess the country is now in, and to repent of turning their back on God and their history.

Perhaps some may may turn to God, and now is a good opportunity to remind them about God being the foundation of your country.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Author

I agree. As with my previous comic about Disney, I am hoping that America returns to Godliness. I don't know if it will, but I am praying for it. The news about some states reintroducing the Ten Commandments, the Bible and prayer into schools gives me a tiny glimmer of hope.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Kevin Dzuban

God has long ago been taken out of the picture in America, beginning with the banning of prayer in public schools in 1962. And now today, we have homosexuals taking center stage. Nearly every public school library and public library is chock full of homosexual pornography thanks to the demon possessed American Library Association, and sold out U.S. Dept of Educ. God had kept in check these evil influences, but has now let them run amuck. Why? Because few if any have stood up against it. And parents saying: "You want my kids, here, take them." :-/

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Jul 4Liked by Kevin Dzuban

Yes it is a great to see this significant move by some states.

With the queers taking over so much public space with their "pride" rubbish any changes will help, and certainly pleases God to see it.

Well done with your posts, you are doing a great job!

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Jul 4Liked by Kevin Dzuban

2 Chronicles 7:14. It says:

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

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Jul 4Liked by Kevin Dzuban

Amen to the spirit of what you say here. Looking to a higher power, to God and Christ, does give us a freedom we do not have when we look to "man" to meet all of our needs. However, as for me, I question even the once conventional mythological narrative provided in that comic. I've people from my family aligned on both "sides" of the American Revolution and American Civil War and possibly even WWII as I have two strains of German heritage in me.. Both "sides" in all of these conflicts I think believed they were doing the right thing, doing what God called them to do, or doing what they had to do to survive. So, I stand back and take a more Stoic view. It's also unclear to me that the bourgeois interests in any of these conflicts cared a whit about lower middle class me, or had my interests at heart. So, I thank God for my freedom and I do love America, but I do so with a nuanced heart. That's my two cents for the Fourth.

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Not sure what you mean by the "mythological" narrative, as all the facts are historical. Nonetheless, I understand your stoic reticence, which you outlined nicely. I think a bit differently about it though. Most wars (but not all) are for wealth and power. I think both the revolutionary war and WW2, were also about ideology. Not all Germans were Nazis, just as not all Americans were KKK. Both wars were also about freedom vs tyranny. I do totally agree with your final note about God, freedom, loving America and a nuanced heart. Thanks much for sharing.

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Jul 4Liked by Kevin Dzuban

God bless you, my friend thank you for all the work you are doing.! Happy Fourth of July

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Thanks, and a happy Fourth to you too!

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Jul 4Liked by Kevin Dzuban

Yes! Take some time to forget all our challenges, just for a while, and focus on thanking Jesus for freedom!

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Amen to that!

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America, GOD did "shed His grace on thee," but that was then, and now is now. Without exception, every nation in history that celebrated and promoted sexual perversion, fell.

Many will of course wildly celebrate this 4th of July, but not me. I grieve because America has fallen, and there is no coming back from this kind of abomination.

Ichabod. The glory has departed

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Jul 4Liked by Kevin Dzuban

Yes Walt it has certainly gone the way of Balam and Sodom, however it is important to realize from where it has fallen.

Christ said to the Church at Ephesus :

Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

(Rev 2:5)

Now I am not saying that the US is a church, or is even a nation that "God has shed his grace upon", but just that it is a wise thing to remind people from whence they have historically come from, and to see what a total mess the country is now in an to repent of that.

But I agree with you, I don't see that it as a nation will rise again, but some in it may turn to God, and now is a good opportunity to remind them about God being the foundation of their country.

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